2014-10-11 7:15 AM
I use STM32F4 Discovery and SD Card (library ChaN: https://github.com/devthrash/STM32F4-workarea/tree/master/Project/FatFS).I complied program from example (main.c in Project) and SD card not work.In debug mode program stop on 228 line in file diskio.c 228: (SPI_receive(SPI1, buf, 2); // receive two byte CRCConnection:CS -> PC4SDI (MOSI) -> PA7SDO (MISO) -> PA6CLK -> PA5 #sdcard-spi2014-10-11 7:38 AM
Sounds like you're going to need to break out a debugger and scope out and start to understand what's going on, what the code you're using does, and how it interacts with the circuit/card you've interfaced.