2012-12-11 11:56 AM
I just got a new STM32F3Discovery board and when I am trying to start a debug session using Keil, it is giving me an error saying ''unknown target connected'' and it fails to download code into the flash. Has anyone faced this issue before ? Are there any solutions ?
I am able to read & erase flash using STlink utility/V2. I am able to download code using the same, but seems like device is not running the downloaded code. All I see the PWR and COM LEDs lit up red. I also have STM32F4Discovery board which works without any issues. I use the following versions: IDE-Version: �Vision V4.60.0.0 Tool Version Numbers: Toolchain: MDK-Lite Version: Toolchain Path: C:\Keil\ARM\ARMCC\bin\ C Compiler: Armcc.Exe Assembler: Armasm.Exe V5.02.0.28 Linker/Locator: ArmLink.Exe V5.02.0.28 Librarian: ArmAr.Exe V5.02.0.28 Hex Converter: FromElf.Exe V5.02.0.28 CPU DLL: SARMCM3.DLL V4.60.0.0 Dialog DLL: DARMSTM.DLL V1.64.0.0 Target DLL: STLink\ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll Dialog DLL: TARMSTM.DLL V1.64.0.0 STM32F3Discovery Firmware Version: V2.J16.S0 JTAG Debugger (As shown by ST-Link Utility) Library Version : STM32F3-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 #stm32f3discovery-keil2012-12-11 1:02 PM
Has anyone faced this issue before ? Are there any solutions ?
Indeed it's been discussed here before. Check your Debug/Utilities tabs under the project options. Make sure to use ''ST-Link Debugger'' and NOT ''ST-Link (Deprecated Version)''2012-12-11 1:25 PM
Thanks for clarifying that it is indeed the solutionf. I had tried that option earlier but it resulted in an error:
No Algorithm found for: 08000000H - 0800412BH On further probing I found that in ST-Link Debugger > Settings > Flash Download I had to pick STM32f3xx Flash 256k( Or should I pick size 16). It programs correctly once that is done. Thanks anyway!.2013-03-01 1:58 AM
No Algorithm found for: 08000000h -080038a3h
i faced this problem with stm32f4 discovery in keil-mdki found that i have to add stm32f4 flash in {programming algorithm }project->option for target -> utilities ->settings ->add ->stm32f4xx flash2013-06-09 6:34 PM
change the settings in here {options-utilities-settings-debug-ort(change gtag to sw)}
2018-02-14 10:50 AM
And in 2018, this still works! Thanks