2013-10-23 12:20 PM
Using the 3 channels of the SDADC in Single Ended Zero Reference Mode, Gain 1, with a SDREF at 2.5V. Spec lists gain error of -2.4% to -3.1%, but our devices appear to have a positive gain error of approx +2.8%. Offset calibration run and offset values in reg CONF0R approx 0x05e3. Measured 1.8241V at ADC input, ADC value reads 0x4030. Per the formula from AN4207, this is equivlent to 1.8768V. According to AN4207, the definition of negative gain error would result in an ADC reading less than the measured value.
Is this an known issue? Is there any way to create this problem in software or extenal hardware? Thanks Gary2013-11-19 5:29 AM
Probably is there is problem only with the sign of the gain error (question of convention). In this case for fixed input voltage is ADC output data greater than it should be (the transfer characteristic (input voltage on Y-axis, ADC data on X-axis) is below ideal curve).
If the gain error is negative then the ADC can measure voltage slightly below VREFSD.
I will reproduce this above theory on my board with my device to be sure.
Igor Cesko
2013-11-22 7:39 AM
I am confirming this gain error sign convention: negative error means that ADC result is higher than expected and the full ADC range is below VREFSD+ voltage. Or by another words: ADC result correspond to lower input voltage than expected.
We will improve the documentation to be more clear. Regards Igor