2020-03-13 2:52 AM
i try to implement a idle line detection for my uart interface. I use this tutorial here: https://controllerstech.blogspot.com/2018/05/uart-using-dma-and-idle-line-detection.html
It is working on a STM32F103 (running example of the tutorial).
So now i want to transfer it to my STM32F303, I did exacly the same and dont get errors from the compiler. But it is not working.
The uart interrupt is triggered all the time, an no data a recieved.
In the attachement is my whole TrueStudio Project.
Does anyone implemented Idle Line Detection on a STM32F303?
Thank you so much for your help.
2020-03-13 3:05 AM
> The uart interrupt is triggered all the time, an no data a recieved.
Isn't that suspicious ?
With the debugger, check for error conditions triggering the interrupt.
In difference to RxNE/TxE, those error interrupt flags must be cleared manually.
2020-03-13 9:34 AM
+1 to what Ozone said above, and
> no data a recieved
How do you know?
2020-03-13 9:36 AM
The RX buffer ist empty and i didnt send any data via my terminal program.
I checked a few error registers but all seems to be ok...