2020-04-27 1:49 AM
Hi. First of all I want to thank you for giving time to this post. When i create bare metal program for blinking an LED don't work. The LED don't blink but when i enter DEBUG Mode with KEIL uVision the bit 0 in ODR resgister for GPIOC toggle every 1 second but the LED wont bright at all even though the ODR bit 0 is set.
Same program made with CubeMX (Clock initialization generated by CubeMX but without generating code for GPIO) same problem.
The only way to make the LED to blink is when i use HAL Library and CubeMX to configure the specific GPIOC bit.
Bellow i attached code. I would be very grateful if you could help me. I am sorry for my bad English.
#include "stm32f10x.h"
void Config(void);
void Delay_in_ms(uint16_t valoare); //Timer count on each 1 ms
int main()
Config(); //Peripheral configuration
GPIOC->BSRR |= 1<<0; // Set pin0 of GPIOC
GPIOC->BSRR |= 1<<16; // Cleat pin0 of GPIOC
void Delay_in_ms(uint16_t valoare)
TIM6->ARR = (valoare)*10; // Load ARR register with the value needed in delay(ms)
TIM6->CR1 |= 1<<0; // Enable TIM6 (now TIM6 start counting)
while(!(TIM6->SR)); // Stays here until UEV has been set so the counter reached the desired value in ms)
TIM6->SR = 0; // Clear flag
void Config(void)
// Flash Config
FLASH->ACR |= 1<<4; // Enable prefetch buffer
while( !((FLASH->ACR)&(1<<5)) ); // Stays here until prefetch buffer is enabled.
FLASH->ACR |= 1<<1; // Set LATENCY to 2 wait states
// RCC Config
RCC->CR |= 1<<16; // Enable high-speed external clock (HSE)
while( !((RCC->CR)&(1<<17)) ); // Stays here until HDE Clock is ready to use
RCC->CFGR |= ((1<<20)|(1<<16)|(1<<10)); // Configure the PLL (multiply input of PLL by 4, select HSE as PLL input clock, and divide the APB1 clock by 2)
RCC->CR |= 1<<24; // Enable PLL
while( !((RCC->CR)&(1<<25)) ); // Stays here until PLL PLL get locked (when PLL locked, exit the loop)
RCC->CFGR |= 1<<1; // Select PLL_Clock as System Clock (SYSCLK)
while( !((RCC->CFGR)&(1<<3)) ); // Stays here until PLL is used as system clock (if PLL drives the SYSCLK then exit loop)
// TIM6 Config (Basic timer config used to generate delays in ms)
RCC->APB1ENR |= 1<<4; // Enable clock for TIM6_Basic_Timer
TIM6->CR1 |= ((1<<7)|(1<<3)|(1<<2)); // Enable buffering for ARR, Counter stops counting at the next UEV, only under/over flow generates UEV
TIM6->PSC = 7199; // Timer count each 100us which is equivalent to 0.1 ms
// GPIOC Config ( PC0, PC1, PC2 output with PU )
RCC->APB2ENR |= ((1<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<5)); // Activeaza ceasul pentru PORT_C
GPIOC->CRL |= ((1<<1)|(1<<5)|(1<<9)); // PC0 & PC1 & PC2 output push-pull
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-04-27 2:54 PM
Read out and check the GPIO registers in debugger. Compare them between working and non-working version.
2020-04-27 2:54 PM
Read out and check the GPIO registers in debugger. Compare them between working and non-working version.
2020-04-27 10:19 PM
Hi. Thank you for your response. I found out that the CRL register has 0x44444444 at reset so all pins was configured as AF.
2020-04-27 10:21 PM
Thanks for coming back with the solution.
Please select your post as Best so that the thread is marked as solved.