2018-09-28 12:32 AM
Hi. I work with STM32f103rct6. When I use TIM3 (internal clock, PWM generation CH1, pinout PA6) and do remap (pinout PC6)- my device don't work. I work under STM32CubeMX version 4.19.0
STM32Cube V1.0 . Can you help me? Thank you.
2018-09-28 1:14 AM
> my device don't work
Please be more specific, what are the symptoms and how do they depart from expectations?
2018-09-28 5:38 AM
First, I recommend you to update the STM32CubeMX tool to use Version 4.27.0 and the firmware package STM32CubeF1 V1.6.1.
Also, have a look to the errata sheet related to your device to check if you have the same conditions as described in the errata sheet.
Try with this update, then please feel free to post your question or issue with more details and description.
Kind Regards,