2017-01-23 10:58 PM
We configure the timer 1 to run a PWM signal on PA8 & PA9.
It works well with the debugger, but when we power the MCU directly, the PWM is not running ! (We can confirm that the main is running... with a manual GPIO toggle).
We are using HAL software, with System Workbench for STM32 + arm-none-eabi-gdb.
Any idea?
Maybe openocd or arm-none-eabi-gdb are setting some register during the debugging process...which make our timer running...
2017-01-24 2:18 AM
,but when we power the MCU directly, the PWM is not running !
Could you please configure:
Are the LEDs toggling conveniently?
2017-01-24 2:26 AM
This is strange. What about some other timer?
2017-01-24 2:32 AM
looks similar problem ?2017-01-24 3:02 AM
Thanks for your answers...
Khouloud G‌ : the leds are toggle, after the PWM generation and in the while(1) loop. We can consider the code is running the entire main... (which is reduced at the minimum to avoid the risk of not understandable things)
SYS_ClockConfig(); //home made HAL_RCC_OscConfig + HAL_RCC_ClockConfig + SystemCoreClockUpdate
HAL_GPIO_Init (...); //for each leds pins / ...
UART_init(...); //for fun...
and the config of timer with pwm
toggle of led...
Olivier GALLIEN‌ : interesting article. I my first fast review not find the same error in my source code... but i need to check in details... (not know, i must go...) I keep this track.
I will test with another timer...
to be continued...