2015-12-23 7:11 PM
I use the STM32F103C8T6 to practice.I got the stm32f1-stdperiph v3.5 as include files.Now, I try to do my fisrt step to make work the USB peripherial. My problem is I didn't find any easy struct access to the USB register in ''stm32f10x.h''I mean, during all my learning test, I always able to access to any register with something like this for instance:TIM1->PSC =xx or RCC->APB2ENR |=xx, etcI sought inside all h file, but no struct access for USB. For instance, to access to CNTR register, I can not write:USB->CNTR=. I have to write *((uint16_t*)(0x40005C40))=is somebody can say me whether there is a h file where all the USB registers are defined in struct pattern? Thanks for your help.2015-12-24 7:38 AM
2015-12-24 8:14 AM
Perhaps the IP used doesn't lend itself to a tight structure definition. If you need one, make one.
ST provides an abstraction, rather than a structure STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0\Libraries\STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver\inc\usb_regs.h2015-12-27 10:49 PM