2015-12-21 5:10 AM
Hi Everyone.
I am working in stm32f103xx .it has usb 2.0 full speed. now i need to enumerate usb as virutal com port . i downloaded usb example from st.STM32F10xUSBLib_V2.2.1.. Edit.i changed in platform config according to my evaluation stm32f10b . then in hw_config i edit the usb disconnect pin as pb4. pin pb4 is jtag as default then i remapped as gpio..GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_NoJTRST, ENABLE); GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable, ENABLE);.then i compiled and load into my board. but nothing happen while connecting into my laptop using windows 7.. there is nothing to change in the example.2015-12-21 8:24 AM
This board
? Or something else? Unfortunately they do not give us magic wands here, can you present your query with some more pertinent details? At the end of the day you'll have to port the project from the board/pins that it was designed to work with, to the board/pins that you are using. Pay also attention to the crystal and PLL settings, and the configuration in your tool chain.2015-12-27 9:34 PM