2017-12-27 8:46 AM
I am confused on how to calculate temperature from the internal sensor.
From RM008 (
)Page 235, Temperature (in °C) = {(V25 - Vsense) / Avg_Slope} + 25. ( formula 1)
and from datasheet, page 79,
V25= 1.43 V , average_slope= 4.3 mV/°C
so, in formula 1, need to calculate Vsense.
Suppose that from ADC1, the converted value is X, so,
Vsense = X /4096 * Vrefint, right ? but how to get Vrefint ?
from doc, the Vrefint can get from ADC1 channel 17,
however, I can not find any formula to to calculate the Vrefint,
I found some doc said that for STM32F0 series chip, Vrefint can be caluclated by reading data in system
address: Vrefint_cal (0x1FFF F7BA - 0x1FFF F7BB), however, seems that this address is not defined for SMT32F103 series.
Can you give some help on how to calculate temperature or Vrefint ?
Thank you very much !
2023-08-10 1:59 AM
Vsense = X /4096 * VDDA
Because On 64-pin packages and packages with less pins VREF is internally connected to the ADC
voltage supply (VDDA).