2017-09-22 1:00 AM
I am using a custom board in which i have connected 5 switches to the pins as given below and pins are configured as Pull Up and i am triggering interrupt on falling edge
PB9 <===> External Switch 1
PB5 <===> External Switch 2
PB3 <===> External Switch 3
PC12 <===> External Switch 4
PC10 <===> External Switch 5
Also i have checked the connection with the help of Digital Multi meter where whenever i press the Switch the connectivity is established and when i release it connectivity is broken with ground , But still in call back function for ' PB3 <===> External Switch 3
' i am not getting any response but for other Switches I am getting updates they are interrupting my CPU and in call back also i am able to see the updates,
That is i checked with this by inserting the break point for every switch condition in call back function But the other switches apart from ' PB3 <===> External Switch 3
' execution flow goes to the break point when switch is pressed, but for switch 3 execution flow doesn't goes to Break point when the switch is pressedPlease tell me if Am i missing out on something while Enabling the interrupt or in configuration Tab,in below paragraph i described the details in cubemx which i have followed,
In cubeMx firstly i used 5 pins which are connected to switches and configured them as GPIO_EXTIx also enabled their respective interrupts in NVIC in configuration tab that are External Interrupt 3, External Interrupt 9:5 and External Interrupt 15:10, also for indication i have connected 5 pins to different LEDs and configured them as Pull up and triggered when falling edge
The code is uploaded below
2017-09-22 5:22 AM
In Pinout tab->sys select the serial wire mode to release the PB3 PB4 and PA15 pins from TRACESWO NJRST and JTDI functionality(default)
2017-09-22 8:26 AM
I found also that you haven't updated your firmware library(you use 1.4vs 1.9), This problem caused when you selected at Pinout tab->sys '�o Debug'. Normaly the CubMx must have produced __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE(); at stm32f1xx_hal_msp.c file but didn't produced.
2017-09-22 10:47 PM
Thank You for reply It has helped me a lot and now my issue is also resolved,
Thanks a lot for helping and providing such a good guidance.