2020-01-07 1:48 PM
Hi everyone! new around here.. i am taking an online course about DMA controller.
At the very first lesson they teach how to check routing using DMA BUS MATRIX.
The problem is that i cannot find of any of my two board that uses STM32L100 or STM32F103.
Am i missing something or looking wrong on the documentation? (RM and Datasheet)
Thanks in advance!
2020-01-07 2:34 PM
You should read the Direct memory access controller chapter in the Reference Manual.
In particular, the DMA request mapping section to see what peripherals map to which channels of each DMA controller.
2020-01-07 2:50 PM
There is a pdf "The Insider's Guide To The STM32 ARM Based Microcontroller" by Hitex with detailed explanations. It is 10+ years old now and so is the chip.
2020-01-07 2:52 PM
i have already checked this
but this is not a bus matrix diagram. I need this:
without this diagram how can i know if AHB can communicate with DMA CH1, DMA CH2 or both?
i appreciate the help
2020-01-07 8:01 PM
The 'F1 DMA is different from the 'F2/'F4/'F7 DMA. It's single-port, i.e. it has only one channel towards the bus matrix; and there's no direct APB connection from it. See AN2548.