2019-03-13 6:20 AM
I have an application running on an stm23F0-discovery the code is quite simple:
The code is built and debugged using IAR workbench 7.5
The discovery clock config uses the internal HSI 8mHZ clock source. I have a break point set in stm32f0xx_it.c at SysTick_Handler(). The break point get hit every ms as expected.
Move this code to our target board which is running the same exact micro and the SysTick_Handler never gets called. This really messes things up as you can imagine because Hal_delay() just hangs. Further experiments with Timer3 yields the same result. Timer3 fires on the dev kit but not on our target hardware.
any thoughts?
2019-03-13 12:19 PM
Debug, Maybe on the target board some error occurs and the MCU is spinning in an error handler.
-- pa
2019-03-13 12:25 PM
To help locating such errors by the cal stack, disable optimization. Else, smartass compiler knows that while(1) never returns, so it replaces call to the error handler functions with a jump, thus the return address is not available in the debugger call stack view.
-- pa
2019-03-13 12:57 PM
Make sure BOOT0 is pulled LOW
Check the memory visible at 0x00000000, make sure it is your Vector Table
Remember the CM0 parts do not provide a SCB->VTOR register to relocate the vector table.
SYSCFG can map the base of RAM, ROM or FLASH to zero.
2019-03-14 4:37 AM
I have no optimization. The crazy thing is I can single step through code no problem, just no interrupt processing. Very perplexing to say the least.
2019-03-14 4:40 AM
Hi Clive, yep BOOT0 is low and NRST is high. SCB->ISCR->ISRPENDING = 1, SCB->ICSR->PENDST = 1, SCB->ICSR->VECTPENDING = 0x0f. Looks like the M0 core knows about the sysTick needing to be processed for what ever reason the Cortex core just will not execute the ISR. Crazy stuff, I can single step code no problem just no interrupt processing.
2019-03-14 6:47 AM
So: when you single step, are you in your while(1) loop? or in some error handler while(1) loop?
-- pa
2019-03-14 7:52 AM
Solution found. As it turns out we had some noise on the NRST line during power-up that was causing issues. Just by chance I was able to capture said noise on an oscilloscope. That noise has been corrected and all is good in the world. Thanks to all
2019-03-14 7:55 AM
While I was experiencing this issue I was able to single step through the "super loop" we have in main.c. Function calls, I2C reads/write, SPI..... everything worked as expected just no interrupt handling of any kind. That was what the puzzling part. I was expecting the debug environment to stop or restart if the NRST line went or was low.