2012-12-28 12:21 AM
Board STM32F0 Discovery, measurment on 4 analog inputs:
PC0 - ADC_IN10 PC1 - ADC_IN11 PC2 - ADC_IN12 PC3 - ADC_IN13 and Vbat, Vref, Vtemp. Configuration of ADC1 and DMA is shown in attachment. for ''ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ScanDirection = ADC_ScanDirection_Upward'' content of table looks like below: ADC_DATA[0]=2034 ADC_DATA[1]=2273 - PC0 ADC_DATA[2]=2069 - PC1 ADC_DATA[3]=2000 - PC2 ADC_DATA[4]=2225 - PC3 ADC_DATA[5]=1950 ADC_DATA[6]=1695 for: ''ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ScanDirection = ADC_ScanDirection_Backward'' content of table looks like below: ADC_DATA[0]=2135 - PC0 ADC_DATA[1]=2051 ADC_DATA[2]=1702 ADC_DATA[3]=1945 ADC_DATA[4]=2251 - PC3 ADC_DATA[5]=2078 - PC2 ADC_DATA[6]=2071 - PC1 results of measurements are transmitted via uart every 1 second (pure ascii string). place of result of measurement of PC0, PC1, PC2 and PC3 i'm sure because it is zero when i shorted to gnd Which index of array contains measurements of channel 16, 17 and 18 (Vbat, Vref and Vtemp)? Why data are mixed? In manual, on page 201, bit SCANDIR decides of direction of scanning, from CHSEL0 to CHSEL16 or opposite direction. What about chanels 17(Vref) and 18(Vbat)? Where i'm doing wrong? #adc-dma-stm32f0-stm32f0discovery2012-12-28 8:11 AM
Page 201 of the reference manual defines external channels in bits 0 to 15 and VTemp and VRef in bits bits 16 and 17. I presume VBat is bit 18.
The internal channels are in the ADC_Data arrays in the correct sequence. Notice that the scanning up values in [5], [6] and [0] match the scanning backwards values in [3], [2] and [1] after allowing for conversion noise. The external channels have similar noise. The mismatch between array position and first value to be converted is puzzling. Check the array length variable and the indexing logic in the 1 sec UART code. Cheers, Hal2012-12-28 4:54 PM
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2013-01-02 8:54 AM
One thing I have just noticed in an application I am working on:
ADC_GetCalibrationFactor(ADCx); is causing a DMA transfer. This meant all my array was out of alignemt by by 1 position. Although my code is derived from ST example, I have not explicitly checked ST example stand-alone. Martin.