2019-02-26 7:34 AM
I'd like to use USART for multiprocessor communication. For this I have to configure the TX pin to an open drain mode. But this option is not available:
STM32CubeMX: 5.1.0
Best regards,
2019-02-26 7:43 AM
Go beyond cubeMx and search in the source code GPIO_MODE_AF_OD
Just hack at C HAL level .
2019-02-26 7:48 AM
Thanks, I know about this. But manual changes will be lost every time when I generate code with CubeMX. Is there any other option?
2019-02-26 7:51 AM
Use user code area in source to override cubemx initialization or wait for cubemx fix?
2019-02-26 7:56 AM
Yes, but that will cause an unwanted voltage glitch on the pin, because it will be configured 2 times.
Is there a way to modify any CubeMX configuration file to get this option? If not, then, would be good that this bug will be fixed in future release.