2018-08-02 7:41 AM
whenever I try to run the CubeMX updater on MacOS, using sudo, the update will fail with:
" Updater cannot write on Software Folder. It's probably due to a bad Acces Privilege."
I tried to give everyone, admin and me the right to read and write the folder and the app itself. No success!
Anybody knows how to make it work?
2018-08-10 8:13 AM
Hi @Till Rachow ,
Your seen behavior is reported to our CubeMX team.
We will update you ASAP.
2018-08-17 1:06 AM
Hi @Till Rachow,
Thanks for your feedback,
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this issue. Can you please help us to solve this by:
Thanks in advance for helping to complete this thread,
Best regards,
2018-08-20 1:47 AM
2018-08-23 12:02 AM
Have the same problem with the V4.19.0.
2018-08-23 12:03 AM
On Win7 64Bit Ultimate
2018-08-30 8:31 AM
Hi @Till Rachow,
Unfortunately, i couldn't reproduce this issue. Installing CubeMX using sudo and under application folder, I succeeded to launch the updater without any problems.
Can you please tell us if you are using Proxy or WiFi for internet connection.
Can you also, please, give more details about the steps to reproduce this bug (how did you launch the updater, when exactly did the pop up message occur).
Try to delete this two folders: .stm32cubemx and .stmcufinder ( you find it under /Users/tilljascharachow/) and check if there are generated again when you restart CubeMX.
Best regards,
2018-09-21 9:59 AM
I am having the same problem with Mac. Plus funny that the error message has some typos ("It's pobably" and "Acces". Anyone has been successful with this? Plus installing the 32L476 package doesn't work well either... I wish ST would pay more attention to their development community.
2018-10-28 10:39 AM
Hi when i update CubeMX Version 4.27, i have same problem with you
for solving this, i just run MX Cube icon in dekstop with 'Run As Administrator' and it works normally
Maybe it can works with you
2019-04-26 1:38 PM
I have the same problem. Running Mojave 10.14.4, STM32CubeMX Version 4.22.1 (STM32Cube V1.0) .
I launch the app with sudo: $ sudo open -a /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeMX.app
I select menu Help>Check For Updates
I am offered MX.5.2.0 and I check this box, then click on Install Now
FIles download and a dialog appears "You need to restart STM32CubeMX with Administrator privileges to terminate installation"; I click OK
I close the Update Manager window
I File>Exit from the main window
I launch the app with the same sudo (see above)
The update always, always fails claiming error "Software cannot write on Software Folder."