2014-07-16 9:32 PM
I am using STM32Cube FW F4 v1.3.0, using STM32F401 NucleoI am using the SDIO evaluation example provided in stm32f4x9i_eval_sd.c It do contains API for sendCommand, but I require some API's to perform CMD0, CMD3, CMD7, CMD52, CMD53 commands.Please excuse me, I am very new to SDIO protocol.If anyone has an example code or can guide me to right path, much appreciable. #stm32f4 #sdio #stm32f4012014-07-17 3:18 AM
Hi singh.ishmeet,
Please take a look at the F4 HAL SD driver (stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c file)It implements the SD card initialization and identification process using the right commands (CMD0...)Thank you for your interest in our STM32Cube solution.With regards.2014-07-17 9:55 PM
Hi Heisenberg,
Firstly thanks for the reply, Really appreciate it.Please can you provide some code reference or direction of using CMD53 and data transfer on SDIO. I looked at the F4 HAL SD driver (stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c file), but it does not contain any API or reference to CMD53. I require an API, or some direction to implement CMD53 in SDIO. Thanks2014-07-18 2:33 AM
Hi singh.ishmeet,
The CMD53 is not used within the stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c file, since it's an optional and SD I/O card only command, reserved for security specification.You can find the SD_CMD_SDIO_RW_EXTENDED define under the stm32f4xx_hal_sd.h file. You can use the SDIO_CmdInitTypeDef structure and SDIO_SendCommand() function to send this command.Just one remark, the SDIO_APP_CMD command should be sent before sending any SD Card specific command.With regards.2014-07-18 3:59 AM
Hi Heisenberg,
Thank you for the reply,Please can you also tell about the data write in blocks after CMD53. I have understood what you have just told me about how to send command, and using it I am able to send CMD53. But since CMD53 is a data command, so please tell how to write data blocks after using CMD 53.Thanks2014-07-18 5:58 AM
Hi singh.ishmeet,
You can refer to paragraph 5.3. IO_RW_EXTENDED Command (CMD53) under the SD Specifications / SDIO Simplified Specification, following this link: With regards.