2015-10-30 2:00 AM
On Cube V4.11.0 when migratimg from previous version a Keil V5 project, the cube add all library files double to the project. This cause huge amount of errors because of multiple defined symbols. The only ways to solve this problem are 1.) delete duplicate files one by one (need ~45 minutes) and risk to delete too many files. 2.) delete the project directory and generate new one (need ~45 minutes) and risk to forget to make the needed changes to the standard project. This bug exists at least for STM32F4 and STM32F0 series.2015-10-30 3:13 AM
Hi Osto,
Could you please provide more explanation on your case, what you mean exactly by ''migration from previous version a Keil V5 project'', so that it will be easier to understand the issue?-Syrine-2015-10-30 3:41 AM
Hi Osto,
I understood your issue and I confirm it. I will report the problem to our CUBEMX team. Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.-Syrine-2016-03-22 11:45 AM
Dear user,
This has been fixed in 4.13. Thank you