2017-04-20 2:19 AM
I want to connect a thermal camera to the STM32756G-EVAL EV board.
In order to connect it I need to have one free SPI terminal and one I2C free terminal.
When looking at the user manual I can't find SPI mentioned anywhere, and if I look at the SPI ports of the Microcontroller it seems that they are taken by other IC's and peripherals. Same for the I2C ports.
What do I do?
How can I connect I2C and SPI to the
STM32756G-EVAL EV board?
Thank you
#stm32756g-eval-spi/i2c2017-04-20 5:33 AM
,You should refer to the
to have idea aboutthe features, the list of peripherals availableand to be able identify the pins assignment (free/usable pins)Imen
2017-04-20 10:05 PM
This is true that the EVAL board is quite crowded and most of the pins are used on the board.
You should identify a function you are not using on the board and remove the 0 Ohm resistor that connect the pin to the board function.
This way, the pin becomes available for your own usage.
In some (rare) cases you may even have a jumper to disconnect the on-board function: look at the board schematic to identify those.