Hello @A1bucker ,Maybe what you are looking for is inside the installation directory of the Motor control workbench:C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\MC_SDK_x.x.x\DocumentationThe MotorControlSDKFirmware.chm includes a description of the API...
up to 32 pages (= 256kB) can be erased up to 100k times.You choose the pages you want.You must make sure that 32 pages maximum are cycled 10k times or more
The answer is in the short text above.There is no dedicated address for these 256k.You can choose the location you want but you have to make sure the size of the area you cycle more than 10 000 times is 256k or less.
Your local ST team may help you identify the root cause and or identify the right contact.Usually the return path is the same as your sales channel, where you bought the chips (distributor or direct to ST sales)