2019-05-03 4:07 AM
2019-05-03 5:43 AM
Jack Peacock
2019-05-03 6:04 AM
2019-05-03 6:21 AM
Do you know STM32 Step-by-step ? This tutorial helps you as getting started on building projects with the STM32 MCU and using ecosystem.
I recommend you to start with STM32CubeMX tool allows you to choose the microcontroller, select the peripherals you want and map them to pins graphically, then generating C initialization code on supported toolchains (EWARM, MDK-ARM, SW4STM32, TrueSTUDIO,..).
You can also refer to the working applications under the STM32Cube firmware package relevant to your device.
2019-05-04 7:28 AM
OK ,ok, you are all right. I did a mistake pressing enter before writing all the details about my issue. Unfortunately there is no way (or at least I didn't fin it) to delete the post.
I went through the reference manual and I have tried to follow it step-by-step.
I though the best way to start and learn was to follow the ST step-by-step guide.
The Nucleo Board is the Nucleo-L476RG.
Imen, thanks for your answer, that's exactly what I did, the full process works fine using STM32CubeMX to generate a EWARM project but it doesn't for True Studio. Actually the issue I have is not on compiling, is on loading the program into the target. The message I get is " Failure at line 13 in Target Software Startup script" . Opening the script at line 13 the command is "load".
I really want to apologize for my mistake in sending my first post, it is definitively not a good way to start but, your answer make me feeling that the community is very active and keen to help each other.
2019-05-04 8:06 AM
You can edit your posts to add more details. See DOWN ARROW icon top upper right of each post.
Support for the GNU tools is a bit hit and miss. The Keil builds tend to be more robust, and the evaluation compiler can support small test apps up to 32KB, and there is a free license for STM32 CM0(+) devices.
Personally I would have preferred ST get a licence with Keil rather than have wasted all this money/resources on Atollic.