2022-04-06 10:05 PM
Hi All,
I am developing the standby mode to achieve low power consumption due to the battery-operated device application.
I have tested it with the eval kit and configured the wake source pin as well with the available user button(in blue color) connected on PC13.
(Wake Source Pin is changed directly in default example with user button and no configuration or initialization is done for PC13 pin it is used directly with wakePin configuration function).
The issue is board gets restarted automatically after going into standby mode without pressing the user button pin to wake up from standby mode.
To verify the automatic restart issue, I have used user Led PA5(on Eval kit) to toggle it before going into standby mode.
But due to the restart issue, it again starts blinking.
Note - While(1) body is empty and not a single statement is added. Before while(1), standby mode entry with wake-up pin and toggle Led statement is available.
So, Can you please let us know what will be the issue that is causing the board to restart from standby mode.
Please let me know any configuration which I have missed to do, guide me for the correct configuration & steps.
2022-04-07 12:26 AM
You're not saying what chip and what board. Start with examples from your MCU firmware package like https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeG4/tree/master/Projects
2022-04-07 1:45 AM
Hi @KnarfB
I am using STM32L0 Nucleo board - NUCLEO-L053R8.
2022-04-07 2:03 AM
2022-04-09 12:30 AM
Hi @KnarfB ,
Thanks for the link.
The issue is resolved now.
2022-04-09 12:42 AM
Hi @KnarfB ,
I have shifted the same code(function) test on the eval kit to the custom board with STM32L072 MCU.
But the current consumption is more as compared to eval kit.
Can you please guide me on the reason & causes of more current consumption and for its solutions.