2013-09-28 8:01 AM
.ExternalClass21148C261BC94D0298DAC9130DFEF74C P {margin-bottom:0.21cm;} .ExternalClass21148C261BC94D0298DAC9130DFEF74C A:link {;}
Hi, I have ordered
with STM32F103RBT6. Can you please recommend to me any good software development tools? I have experience only with Atmel AVR (8bit) with IDE. I foundhttp://leaflabs.com/devices/maple/
- port of Arduino to STM32.http://leaflabs.com/docs/ide.html
is roughly the same as Arduino IDE. On the STM web ishttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533
of software development tools. I would like to use free (no pay for education and commercial use) IDE that works on Linux and have a lot of code examples and documentation. I found some infromation about programming STM32 in Java. I am programming in Java every day so I would like use it. Have I need specially version of MCU or can I use STM32F103RBT6? Which IDE is ''the best''? Thank you.2013-11-10 1:03 AM
I just discovered EmBlocks and I don't agree.
I was talking about V1.01 and V1.1. The current release, V1.31, is more stable, I haven't seen GUI crashes yet. However, the executables are still huge. A current project has more than twice the size, compared to Crossworks, with minimal libs (>95kB, compared to 45kB). And I could observe this factor of about 2 for several projects, even those without libs. But most I miss a Linux version.
2013-11-10 1:31 AM
Well I was not certain how it is with the current launchpad release. I just downloaded the latest Q3 and used this with the same settings to build the graphical demo of the F429i (-O2 default newlib exactly the same settings)
Code data+bbsEmblocks 1097844 4390884Launchpad_q3 1113496 4309816So I agree that he is using the mainline for now till LTO is mature and Launchpad is proved to be better.It's so much faster (even the most commercial ones) that it's working very nice for something free. .ExternalClass21148C261BC94D0298DAC9130DFEF74C P {margin-bottom:0.21cm;} .ExternalClass21148C261BC94D0298DAC9130DFEF74C A:link {;}2013-11-10 4:23 AM
Having been a Crossworks user for more than two years, I surely compare it with Crossworks first, which is, btw, also gcc based. And even commercial gcc toolchains often tend to fall behind in regard of codesize, compared to MDK and IAR. For my (purely) private projects, that is actually of low importance.
It's so much faster (even the most commercial ones) that it's working very nice for something free.
Being permanently tortured with Eclipse- and Netbeans-based IDEs at work, I can only agree. This had been one reason for me to get a private Crossworks licence. And it has a Linux version, so no need to run the M$ spyware-OS.