2018-02-28 12:14 AM
Hello everybody
Does anyone have experience with the SDADC of the STM32F373?
I have the following question:
Theoretically, my phase delay would have to be at a
Sampling frequency of 50kHz and output to the 12bit DAC be as follows:
My input circuit OPAmp with filter 2700Ohm 330pF = ca.1us
SDADC input (impedance 120kOhm 0.7pF) delay = ca.T = 120kOhm * 0.7pF = 0.08us
SDADC conversion time = 1 / fs = 1 / 50kHz = 20us
DAC (with buffer) tSettling = 4us
Reconstruction filter RC = 680Ohm 10nF = delay = 680Ohm x 10nF = ca.7us
My C-code measured = 5us
5 us
37.08usBut I measure with Oscilloscope 55us!
I reach the required bandwidth of 10kHz.
On the KO I see too
the 5 steps at 10kHz (50kHz sampling rate).
That proves that I have correctly configured the SDADC.
I just can not get the theoretical phase time.
Can someone tell me where this difference comes from?
2018-02-28 1:34 AM
This is not a plain SAR ADC, and the digital filters inherent to sigma-delta conversion involve delays. The 120 cycles per conversion is the maximum sampling rate, but the samples are pipelined (i.e. they pass through several filtering stages) making up the 360 cycles total delay/'latency'. As the RM puts it in Continuous and fast continuous modes subchapter:
In fast continuous mode (FAST=1), the first conversion takes still 360 SDADC clocks, but then each subsequent conversion finishes in 120 SDADC clocks.
2018-02-28 1:46 AM
Thank you for the fast answer.
Then I have to calculate this as follows?
Conversion time + filter time
Conversion time = 20us at 50ksps
Filter time = 20us (120 cycles at 6MHz SADC Clocks)
Total = 40us?
I thought the conversion time is sync.filter included.
2018-02-28 7:01 AM
Hmm ?
I have my SDADC in fast continuous mode.It's simply takes 360 cycles until the signal propagates from analog input to the output data buffer, i.e. 60us, that's all.
But this is only the first conversion takes ! Each subsequent conversion finishes in 120 SDADC clocks i.e 20us !When conversion time = Analog signal from analog Input to the Output data buffer then i don't understand my measurment result i.e 55us !When conversion time = only sample time without sync filter then my result is correct20us conversion time + 20 us time sync Filter = 40us + 15us (Input filter, Code, Output filter).what is conversion time ? with filter i.e. 20us
or without filter ? i.e. 40us
(I think it is whitout filter and not signal propagates from analog input to the output data buffer)
2018-02-28 7:24 AM
No. It's simply takes 360 cycles until the signal propagates from analog input to the output data buffer, i.e. 60us, that's all.
2018-02-28 5:47 PM
2018-03-01 12:35 AM
Thank you very much. Now i understand.
Conversion time is each subsequent conversion and = 20usBut Attention! The first conversion need 360 cycles at the phase time minimum result = 60usConclusion:
For the Phase time (Latency) only the filter is responsible.