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STM32 Nucleo-F401re bootloader commands are not working

Associate III

usart1 connectedusart1 connected

Hercules setup utilityHercules setup utility






Issue with Sending Bootloader Command on STM32

According to AN3155, the 0x7F command should initialize the USART. I have ensured that I am in bootloader mode and have made the following connections:

  1. Connect the USART1_RX pin of the STM32 to the TX pin of the FTDI module.
  2. Connect the USART1_TX pin of the STM32 to the RX pin of the FTDI module.
  3. Ensure a common ground between the STM32 and the FTDI module.
  4. Set the BOOT0 pin high to enter boot mode by connecting it to the VDD pin (do not use any other pin).
  5. Power the STM32 via USB by connecting it to your host and also power the FTDI module via USB by connecting it to your host.
  6. Open Device Manager and locate the FTDI module’s port (not the STM32 port). Select that port in STM32CubeProgrammer, set the baud rate to 115200, parity to even, and tap on connect. It should connect successfully.

To send the bootloader command, I am using the Hercules setup utility. I have configured the settings as shown in the attached snapshot. However, when I send the 0x7F command, I do not receive any response and only get a pink block-like character.

Could anyone provide guidance on what might be causing this issue?

ST Employee


As you successfully connected with STM32CubePrgrammer, it's not a HW issue. It might be a configuration in the Hyperterminal. Do you have a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope to check if you get the ACK byte (0x79) ?

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