2018-02-25 7:24 PM
Windows10 (x64)
Matlab R2017a
STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32F0 Series -v1.9.0
STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32F3 Series -v1.9.0
For the STM32F0 microcontroller, the ADC_Read block completely ignores the ADC outputs assigned in Cube.
(see adc_stm32f0_vanilla)
The description of the ADC module for STM32F0 and STM32F4 differs significantly. In the ioc file, I supplemented the native description of the ADC STM32F0 with a description from the file for STM32F4 (see adc_stm32f0_semi_healed).
The outputs became visible:
But after code generation, they ''fall off'':
The code is generated successfully, but an error occurs during compilation:
�undefined reference to `hadc0'�
The problem with the ''falling off'' of the ADC outputs after the code generation occurs also for the STM32F3 series (see adc_stm32f3_vanilla). As a consequence - in the generated code, the input of the �CHAR convertion� block is replaced by 0.0 instead of the ADC output.
In addition, for both series there is a problem - the VREF channel is substituted for VBAT. It is necessary to specify the channel number in the ioc file directly - ADC_CHANNEL_17 instead of ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT.
#stm32-mat/target-matlab #simulink