2016-07-05 4:07 AM
Hi everyone!
I have developed a very simple code to test the STM32 Mat/Target. It works properly in normal mode, but when I try to use the ''Processor in the Loop'' mode (PIL) to view in simulink the state of an input, the KVM v5 shows this error:compiling rt_main.c.....\aaa\Src\rt_main.c(32): error: &sharp35: &sharperror directive: Must specify a model name. Define MODEL=name. ♯ error Must specify a model name. Define MODEL=name.How can I fix it? Any help?Thanks! #stm32-mat-target2016-07-05 5:46 AM
Hi p92lomij,
It should be a ''bad'' configuration as you should not have rt_main.c file! You can refer to the attached manual (STM32-MAT/TARGET Hands On) it will help you in your configuration. Regards ________________ Attachments : STM32_MAT-TARGET_HandsOn_v1_0.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Htol&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aXC%2FrCcaoZUmkCfBHqg8nkz23x_gA_.BNoVO2e3pNoF.fxw&asPdf=false2016-07-08 6:08 PM
Could you tell me where and how I can launch the matlab app GUI show on page 34 of this hand on manual, so that I can configure the COM port for the PIL test?
2018-04-12 12:47 PM
I have the same problem.
My system is set correctly but when I try to compile Keil progect the same error was shown:
compiling rt_main.c...
..\Src\rt_main.c(32): error: #35: #error directive: Must specify a model name. Define MODEL=name. # error Must specify a model name. Define MODEL=name.I follow the readme.pdf step by step and I don't think it's a wrong set of matlab or simulink.
I've also read the main_rt shouldn't be generated, maybe some problems with keil or with cubeMX?
IDE-Version:µVision V5.24.2.0Tool Version Numbers:
Toolchain: MDK-ARM Plus Version: 5.24.1Toolchain Path: C:\Keil\ARM\ARMCC\BinC Compiler: Armcc.exe V5.06 update 5 (build 528)Assembler: Armasm.exe V5.06 update 5 (build 528)Linker/Locator: ArmLink.exe V5.06 update 5 (build 528)Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V5.06 update 5 (build 528)Hex Converter: FromElf.exe V5.06 update 5 (build 528)CPU DLL: SARMCM3.DLL V5.24.1Dialog DLL: DCM.DLL V1.16.0.0Target DLL: STLink\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll V3.0.1.0Dialog DLL: TCM.DLL V1.32.0.0Could you help me please?
2018-04-16 7:01 PM
Could you please give me more information?
Which STM32 board you use?
If you provide a little test case if possible or at least an simulink file.Thanks.