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stm32 gpio callback

Associate II


i have a stm32h753 nucleo board , witch have a user button connected to pc 13 , i am trying to implement printing on console when a button is pressed by using interrupted call back that is generated from the button press , i looked at the user manual of 753 and it says all gpio have external interrupt capabilities , i enabled the EXTI interrupt lines in the ioc project file .

and when i press the button nothing happens , i included my main file , and pictures from the nvic , what is am missing here ? in order to activate print by user button pressings.

i debugged the code and put a breakpoint in the EXTI INRUPPET HANDLER and the cpu doesn't even hit this breakpoint

and i also noticed in the gpio configuration section there is only input only mode and there is no external triggers modes when i scroll down the tab

Pavel A.
Evangelist III
ST Employee

Hello @abeba.1​,

Hope that @Pavel A.​  proposal solved your issue.

If not, and to understand why, have you checked are other interrupts at this point running successfully?

Could you please check in NVIC_ISERx, that the given interrupt is enabled.

 /* Enable and set EXTI lines 15 to 10 Interrupt to the lowest priority */
 HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI15_10_IRQn, 2, 0);

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Interruptd and callbackd must be microseconds brief. So avoid uart transmit blocking function calls within.

hii Pavel , thanks for your reply , but when i create the project for the nucleo h753 board , when i open the nvic tab i see that the external interrupt have different numbers than 15 to 10 , and i can't understand where those numbers come from , i attached a pic from my ioc .

in all the examples i sow the EXTI line[15:10] interrupts , but in my project i see that numbers are different EXTI line[9:5] , and i suspect that i may be relayed to the problem that the NVIC is not working with PC13 , cause 13 is not in 9:5 range .

on top of that on the GPIO configuration section when i scroll down on pc13 i don't see a mode with rising falling edge on button press