2024-05-21 7:05 AM
Merhaba 2 triyak kesinti ile araç kullanmak istiyorum bunun için ne yapmalıyım? 50hz 220v şebeke elektriğini kullanıyorum. 0 noktasını tespit ettikten sonra belli bir süre bekleyip ardından triyak'a darbe veriyorum. İkinci darbe değerini verdiğimde sistem karışıyor.
kodum ek dosyada:
2024-05-21 7:20 AM
Please write in English as it's an international community so you will have more chance to get support from the members.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hello, I want to drive with 2 triac interruptions, what should I do for this? I use 50hz 220v mains electricity. After detecting point 0, I wait for a certain period of time and then pulse the triac. When I give the second pulse value, the system gets confused.
2024-05-21 9:59 AM
öncelikle google translate ile de olsa sorununu ingilizce yazman gerekiyor.
Coming to your question, using delay in interrupt is a big mistake.
Within exti interrupt; You should do short tasks like checking outputs, setting and starting timers.
Or you can change the value of a variable in the interrupt and check it in the main loop.
There are many approaches, the important thing is to get out of the interrupt as quickly as possible
2024-05-21 12:57 PM
Muhammed bey size linkedin üzerinden ulaşabilir miyim?
I'm having problems with the language, thank you for your reply
2024-05-21 12:59 PM
I actually set the timmer value in the interrupt