2019-10-17 7:42 AM
Hello everyone!
Problem 1:
I bought 8 STM32 Blue Pill cards.
I can't program these cards.
The problem occurs on all boards.
When I set the BOOT jumper 0 to 1 and press the reset button the LED connected to the PC13 pin always flashes.
I have already programmed these cards and I have always programmed using an FTDI using TX on the PIN PA10 and RX on the PIN PA9.
I have the ST LINK V2 module and I can program the card.
I added the RST wire because boot 0 does not work.
I usually use the Arduino IDE environment and programming with the ST LINK V2 module the USART PA9/PA10 serial are not activated.
I use the tab support for the Arduino environment:
I tried to connect the FTDI module to the serial port of the card and it does not receive any data.
I programmed the card with ST LINK V2 and FTDI to read values from the serial port but it does not work.
Is there a way to set the BOOT 0 jumper to programming mode?
The Blink always works for me and there is no way to block the execution of the program with BOOT 0 to 1.
Problem 2:
I have updated the firmware of the ST LINK module
Name Firmware : V2J35S7
I downloaded it from the ST website
The Arduino build environment tells me that it is to be updated.
Is there a newer firmware?
Or is it the latest version?
Has anyone had the same problem on THE STM32 Blue Pill cards?
Any answer is accepted !
I really need it :(
2020-08-28 6:03 AM
I currently also have the same problem, was an solution ever gathered?
2020-08-29 4:35 AM
I solved the problem by programming the maple bootloader using an STLINK V2.
With this bootloader you can program the chips directly via usb changing boot1 jumper.
2020-09-16 3:59 PM
Do you have a link to any tutorial to do this for us who are just starting out with STM32? :)
2020-09-16 5:05 PM
Make friends with Mr Google,
2020-09-17 5:02 AM
Thank you Mr Google.
Now will you hold hands with me in prayer to the electronics gods that this works and my chips aren't fake trash? :)
2020-09-25 10:58 PM
From the answers in https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AwWy5y/my-stm32f103c8t6-wont-enter-programming-mode
i removed R3 and R4 and shorted them because both of these were 100k, whereas 10k is expected (checked other working BluePills).
And by pure magic it worked. All OK. Solved!!