2014-02-26 2:17 AM
I have a STM32F4 Discovery. It has an on-board STLink V2 debugger that programs/debug the STM32F407 micro. I'm develloping a circuit that has also a STM32 micro and I would like to know if I can use the STLink embedded in the discovery kit to program the STM32 in the PCB I'm designing, making the appropriate soldering/desoldering solder jumpers in the discovery kit.A more embracing question: embedded STLink-V2 on discovery kit (STM32F4DISCO) can be used to program/debug any external application with STM32 micro that supports SWD interface, like STM32L151 or STM32K058?Best regards,Vitor Barbosa #debug-stm32-using-st-link/v22014-02-26 6:07 AM
RTFM! http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00039084.pdf Try page 132014-02-26 7:37 AM
Of course I already Read The Fucking Manual Mr. Sung...
otherwise I wouldn't post here...From my experience with microcontrollers from other manufacturers(more than 15 years) certains embedded debuggers in EVkits are tied to a small and specific range of microcontrollers, and when we beat with the head we found a line somewhere, in small characteres, purposely hidden, specifying that, just to buy another tool.If I asked it was to see if there is any restriction somewhere in documentation.It's my first job with STM32 and I just wanted to have sure before going forward with my application.Be more humble and not so agressive. From your gross answer I assume that it is possible...2014-02-26 7:55 AM
For the K058 you might need to update the firmware on the ST-LINK, I'm not sure what's posted is the most current. (V2.J17.S0 ??)
Generally you'll also want to pay attention to the SB (Solder Bridges) for things like NRST and SWO as these aren't always consistently configured on DISCO boards, and may/may not be connected to the STM32 being debugged. Plus the CN3 jumpers. Personally I'd probably use a stand-alone ST-LINK, or other JTAG/SWD pod, and provide a standard debugger connector rather than the 4/5/6-pin headers used by ST. There also seem to be an abundance of bootleg stand-alone ST-LINK available on eBay2014-02-26 8:07 AM
Thank you Clive,
I am aware of the solder bridges and CN3 jumpers. I will try with embeded STLink, and if I can develope with this tool OK, why buy another tool?I will leave also the JTAG connections available, for precaution.I have updated to last firmware revision and as for K058, I think that the only interface difference is the TRACE line that is not available in this microcontroller.Best regards,Vitor Barbosa.