2017-03-27 9:01 AM
Hello, I am currently working on the
STEVAL-STLKT01V1 development kit and I am trying to have a sensortile reading the environmental data of a second one. I am having a very hard time finding how to do that with the STM32 development environment. Is that even possible and if yes how should I do it?
Thanks a lot if someone ever tried something similar I would gladly to hear about it.
#sensortile-bluenrg-ms-firmware #sensortile-bluenrg-ms-custom-service-aci*2017-03-27 9:11 AM
Have a look to these User manuals:
Getting started with the software package for STEVALÂSTLKT01V1 based on STM32Cube-
'Getting started with the SensorTile integrated development platform'Hope this helps you.
2017-05-04 1:19 AM
I think that another good starting point for developing your application could be this Function Pack FP-NET-BLESTAR1 where you have several BLE nodes communicating with a BLE to WiFi gateway.