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Can ST Motor Pilot be used with the STEVAL-PTOOL1V1 board?

Angelo Quattrociocchi
Associate II

[VERSION]: MCWB v6.3.2
[TOOL]: STM32CubeMX v6.13.0, STM32CubeIDE v1.11.5

I managed to get this board working with a small BLDC motor but after some time the motor stops and I'm not sure why.  Sometimes it runs for several minutes, and other times only a few seconds.

I would like to use Motor Pilot to visualize what's going on in the drive and hopefully find the reason for the shutdown.  I've been looking through the code also and trying to adjust parameters and retesting, but this is just a guessing game. 

I was able to connect to the serial port on the PTOOL1V1 board and the Motor Pilot app connects to the board but it seems it's not communicating correctly as it's not able to do or show anything more.  Here are a couple of screenshots of the Motor Pilot application.

ST Motor Pilot application.jpgST Motor Pilot terminal.jpg

ST Employee

Hello @Angelo Quattrociocchi,

Can you try by decreasing PWM frequency?

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Best regards.

I reduced the PWM_FREQ_M1 value and it seems like it may have made it less sensitive, but it still shuts down.  I found that if I touch the board near the area with the current feedback circuit, it will stop.  I can try modifying the current limit parameters, but my real question here is how to connect through the serial port to see what is going on using the GUI.