2014-06-24 12:59 AM
I am a little bit confused about the differences between the ''standard peripherals lib'' and the ''stm32cube''.
Here is what I figured out so far: Most of the tutorials I found for the stm32f4xx are using the standard peripherals lib (stm32f4xx_gpio.h
), which are the ''old'' libraries. The ''stm32Cube'' seems to be a update ''new'' library version with different include files (stm32f4xx_hal_...) and different functions.
Is my understanding correct ? I cannot run the examples for the ''old'' library when using ''stm32Cube'' installed - is that also correct ? If I am correct with the upper 2 assumptions, where can I get support for the stm32cube-examples ? Please help me in understanding the library issue (...says the beginner...).2014-06-24 3:14 AM
The ''stm32Cube'' seems to be a update ''new'' library version with different include files (
stm32f4xx_hal_...) and different functions.
Is my understanding correct ? The STM32Cube is a new approach for STM32 libraries offering HAL functions which are hardware independent. So you may use the same prototype for almost all products. The STM32Cube comes with the
tool which is a code generator. Please refer tohttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00104712.pdf
for more details on how to use it. I cannot run the examples for the ''old'' library when using ''stm32Cube'' installed - is that also correct ? No, you still be able to run examples from both standard library & cube. You need just to have the standard library downloaded locally. If I am correct with the upper 2 assumptions, where can I get support for the stm32cube-examples ?For any help regarding STM32Cube or Standard library, please submit your request on the forum ''[DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/AllItems.aspx]STM32 Software Tools and Firmware''. Best Regards -Mayla-
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