2022-06-28 2:13 AM
I am trying to make SPI6 work with BDMA I see that transfer completion flag set in BMA ISR but SPI registers i don't see EOT bit set. I don't see any data coming from MOSI line of SPI6. Please help me know what is going wrong. There is no error set in any of the registers I have attached a screen shot of BDMA and SPI6 registers. I am using BDMA channel 0 for Rx and BDMA channel 1 for Tx.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-07-08 6:50 AM
Thanks for the help.
I could figure out the problem.
I am able to transfer and receive the data's using SPI6 with BDMA.
2022-06-28 2:45 AM
Which STM32?
> I don't see any data coming from MOSI line of SPI6.
And SCK?
Have you tried polled implementation of SPI6, or at least transmit by writing directly into registers in debugger?
2022-06-28 2:58 AM
Iam Using STM32H743I
2022-06-28 3:45 AM
No SCK as well
2022-06-28 4:31 AM
Try polled implementation of SPI6, to make sure there's no problem in SPI itself, GPIO or clocks.
2022-06-28 11:27 PM
I tried in polling method after i use HAL_SPI_Transmit its waiting in
while ((__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(hspi, Flag) ? SET : RESET) == Status)
for EOT flag in SR register to be set. What can be the reason for this?
I see the SPI6 registers are getting filled properly.
2022-07-08 1:30 AM
Hello @SHebb.1 ,
have u define the buffer correctly?
For example, I resolved my problems in this way:
static uint8_t __attribute__ ((section (".BDMA_Access"),used)) sbuffer_tx[2];
static uint8_t __attribute__ ((section (".BDMA_Access"),used)) sbuffer_rx[2];
Then, inside the main, u can initialize the buffer, as:
sbuffer_tx[0]= 0x00;
sbuffer_tx[1]= 0x00;
and the u can use the sample HAL:
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi6, sbuffer_tx, sbuffer_rx,sizeof(sbuffer_rx));
Finally ".BDMA_Access" is defined inside the linker script file as:
.BDMABlock :
. = ALIGN(32);
2022-07-08 6:50 AM
Thanks for the help.
I could figure out the problem.
I am able to transfer and receive the data's using SPI6 with BDMA.