2012-09-21 11:26 AM
We are working on a
We wrote a DMA driver and confirmed it was working memory to memory.Next, we began integrating it with an SPI driver (SPI2). Initially, the engineer working on the SPI driver was unable to get any transfers going. Then, we revisited the Table 20 in the reference manual, which we didn't realize in our initial reviews, seems to indicate that peripherals are mapped to specific Channel/Stream combinations.
The usage of channels had been a little unclear to us. The reference manual (018909 Rev 1) just says that this is an ''example'' table and that actual connections will depend on product implementation. This left us asking a lot of questions: Does this mean specific derivatives have different maps? Where are they documented? Is this a software configuration? Is this a microcontroller configuration? Is this �hard-coded� in the silicon?
So, after reviewing the table again, we started using DMA 1, Channel 0 Streams 3 and 4 for SPI3 and made some progress: We are able to perform TX only (stream 4), simultaneous RX and TX (streams 3 and 4), but not RX only (stream 3).1) Does this in any way ring a bell for someone on something obvious we might be missing?2) Table 20 indicates that there are 2 channel 0 streams for SPI3_RX and 2 channel 0 streams for SPI3_TX. Is that correct?3) Table 20 indicates that Channel 2 Stream 2 and Channel 3 Stream 3 are both mapped to I2S2_EXT_RX. Is that correct?Thanks! #spi-dma2012-09-21 12:06 PM
DMA1 support peripherals on APB1, it has 8 independent streams. Each stream can take requests from a single channel. Table 20 provides a map to determine if a specific combination of peripherals will work together with DMA. There is some redundancy as observed in b) and c) to provide some flexibility, so you could use UART5 and SPI3.
The general problem with SPI receive on a master is that you must have outgoing traffic for the clock to be generated.So, after reviewing the table again, we started using DMA 1, Channel 0 Streams 3 and 4 for SPI3 and made some progress: We are able to perform TX only (stream 4), simultaneous RX and TX (streams 3 and 4), but not RX only (stream 3).That would be SPI2.
2012-09-22 3:54 AM
> Table 20 indicates that Channel 2 Stream 2 and Channel 3 Stream 3 are both mapped to I2S2_EXT_RX. Is that correct?
It appears that this might be a bug in the documentation: