2012-09-21 2:26 PM
I'm trying to use the ST-Link on the STM32VLDISCOVERY board to programaSTM32F407ZGT6
using the SWD interface but it just don't work ...I'm getting the ''No target connect'' error. I have triple checked all the connections,the board is properly powered, ST-link drivers and Utility are the latest versions(with support to the Z batch of the STM32F4).I have used this same setup (St-Link on the STM32VLDISCOVERY) to successfullyprogram STM32F1 MCUs ... is there any technical reason for the ST link on theSTM32VLDISCOVERY not to recognise the STM32F407ZGT6 ?Best regards,PA
2012-09-22 5:58 AM
I'm not sure if you can get this to work at all.
But I'm not surprised it doesn't work out of the box. The VLDiscovery is the old V1 version of the STLink, which is rather messed up, by the way. There was no F4 released when the firmware for the VLDiscovery-STLink part was finalized. So no wonder it does not recognize the controller. You might fetch the STLink Utility software and try to update the STLink part. That worked for me with V2 (STM32F0_Discovery). But as said, I'm not sure about V1, never even tried that.