2015-12-25 05:56 AM
i use in stm32f4 with Keil uVision5 and STM32CubeMX(i cunfig spi with cubemx )I can not find the SPI function that send/receive data i want to send and receive data from accelerometer2016-06-20 02:50 AM
Hi biton.pini,
CubeMx helps you to generate only the initialization code. Otherwise, you should add your own to built you application. In your use case, I recommend you to take a look to the '' SPI_FullDuplex_ComIT'' example in and compare the code there with your code. The example at this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.12.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Examples\SPI\SPI_FullDuplex_ComIT -Hannibal-