2018-06-25 3:17 AM
Today I tried the STM example (see below path) of low power stop mode on my STM32L053, While stepping trough the code in debug mode, somewhere in SystemPower_Config(), line 237, HAL_GPIO_Init(...) the connection with the cortex got lost (so before sleep mode is enabled!). Now I'm unable to communicate with the stm32: I'm unable to flash the chip or connect via ST STM32 Link Utility. Also power down and up the power source (which normally works in other low-power modes) or use the NRST does not do the trick.
Too bad I tried the same example with another
STM32L053 with the same result.
Is this a known issue in the PWR example code? Any ideas to get my boards responsive again?
#low-power2018-06-25 3:53 AM
Is there an option to 'Connect under reset' on your flashing software ?. If so enable it.
2018-06-25 4:33 AM
SOLVED -> replaced the ST LINK debugger with another. Problem solved.
2018-06-25 6:09 AM
Yes there is. I switched Mode to Connect Under Reset. Connected ST Links RESET pin to STM32's NRST. No luck.
2018-06-25 6:26 AM
Or force the board into the system (ROM) bootloader with BOOT0/BOOT1, and do a mass erase.
2018-09-28 3:54 PM
Did you read comment in code (main.c)??
Read again!!!
static void SystemPower_Config(void)
/* Configure all GPIO port pins in Analog Input mode (floating input trigger OFF) */
/* Note: Debug using ST-Link is not possible during the execution of this */
/* example because communication between ST-link and the device */
/* under test is done through UART. All GPIO pins are disabled (set */
/* to analog input mode) including UART I/O pins. */