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SMBUS sample code for NUCLEO L496ZG

Associate II

I am unable to find any working examples for this specific board with SMBUS/PMBUS.

I am also having lot's of issues converting a SMBUS project from a different board.

It would be great if anyone could assist me in either getting FW specific to the board, or a way to port code between two EVAL boards.


ST Employee

Hello @soccernismo​,

I advise you to get inspired from SMBUS examples with other devices in this package X-CUBE-SMBUS - STM32Cube SMBus/PMBus embedded software (AN4502).

Have a look at the AN4978 "Application note Design recommendations for STM32L4xxxx with external SMPS, for ultra-low-power applications with high performance".


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Associate II

Thank you @Imen and @Tesla. I will definitely take a look at the others.

Associate II

Hello @Imen DAHMEN​ ,

I was able to get the STM32L4R5ZI-Nucleo, and flashing the example FW for PMBUS according to the readme causes my system to flash a "RED" led, which is indicative, that the communication is failing.

My hardware setup seems to be correct. Not sure if this PMBUS FW has issues with the STM32L4xx series. As per the readme, it suggests that the examples have been tested before on these boards.

Is there a way that I could get a verification check to make sure that the example code for STM32L4R%z within the SMBUS/PMBUS package is actually working?

That would highly be appreciated.

Thanks again!