2019-05-20 6:01 AM
i am working with STM32F469AI microcontroller interface with the STEVAL-IDP005V1 industrial sensor, when i interface STM32F401RE and STEVAL-IDP005V1 through ST-LINK the disk size shows 520kb is free of 540kb, but the flash memory size of STM32F401R is 512kb only. I am following this below link
in this the disk size is 2.2Mb, i dont understand where is the mistake so please help me to solve this problem.
2019-05-20 8:36 AM
The ST-LINK MSC is a simple way of writing a .BIN file into the system, it does this by pretending to be a FAT volume, so there is likely so variability there.
Different firmware versions of the ST-LINK may report different values. Update if necessary.
I suspect you're drawing/inferring far too much from the image in the documentation.
Can you actually drop a workable .BIN file into the drive, or Not?
2019-05-20 9:23 PM
yes, when i drop the .bin file into the board it raises an error.text like the application format is unknown so you cant proceed.
i dont know where is the mistake and am beginner to ARM MCUs so please me to fix this issue.
thanks in advance
2019-05-20 10:47 PM
The alternative to the drag-n-drop is to use the STM32 Cube Programmer application.
Is this a supplied .BIN or one you created?
2019-05-21 1:54 AM
the .BIN file already there so am not created,after update the firmware i just copy and paste the .BIN file into drive then it shows "The application file format is unknown and cannot be parsed and/or processed"
2019-05-21 3:12 AM
I'm having the same problem - firmware is upgraded to 2.31.25 - when i transfer the .bin, device resets and binary is not loaded - i get the fail.txt message highlighted above - 'the application file format is unknown...
2019-05-21 6:01 AM
in the above pdf I am not understand which .bin file should i copy and paste into drive & where can i get that .bin file?
i have STSW-BFA001V1 file has varies bin files are existed ex: below .bin file
please help me .
2019-09-13 12:15 AM
Hey, I had the same Problem. The wiring of the M12 cable does not match the documentation. I messured White GND and Brown VDD. After fixing the UKI100v1bord LED was blinking and after uploading the firmware i had 2Mb flash memory, using the same F401RE