2017-03-01 1:48 PM
I have this working on a stmicroF427 part and I am trying to run the same code on a STmicroF103. The only changes are that I used the M3 versions of the library on the F103 part, and the 427 system uses cube and the HAL libraries. The code running on the 103 does not generate a correct digest. I have verified that the data is good (there is a CRC also). Can someone verify that this does work on the F103 part and that there are no setup steps that I may need to do to run this?
2017-03-01 2:29 PM
There's no HASH hardware in the 'STM32F427, so are you talking about some publicly available library?
2017-03-01 4:43 PM
HAL Crypto Library by the sounds of it.
HW CRC needs to be enabled on other platforms.
2017-03-02 12:10 PM
On the ST32F427 we used HAL libraries on the ST32F103 we did not. Both projects use the STMicro Crypt library. I can see on the ST32F427 (cube) that I am using a function (__CRC_CLK_ENABLE ();) that sets the clock bit in the AHB1ENR register: SET_BIT(RCC->AHB1ENR, RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN); I naively thought I could just do: RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN; but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
2017-03-02 1:42 PM
On the F1 I seem to recall using M3_CryptoFW_2_0_6.lib in Keil
/* DeInitialize STM32 Cryptographic Library */
Crypto_DeInit();** Section &sharp76 'i.Crypto_DeInit' (SHT_PROGBITS) [SHF_ALLOC + SHF_EXECINSTR]
Size : 8 bytes (alignment 2) Address: 0x00000000$t
i.Crypto_DeInit Crypto_DeInit 0x00000000: 2101 .! MOVS r1,&sharp1 0x00000002: 2040 @ MOVS r0,&sharp0x40 0x00000004: f7ffbffe .... B.W RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd2017-03-02 2:23 PM
>>On the F1 I seem to recall using M3_CryptoFW_2_0_6.lib in Keil
Yes that’s what I am using (IAR). M4_ causes a hard fault.
>>/* DeInitialize STM32 Cryptographic Library */
>>Crypto_DeInit();Yes I am doing Crypto_DeInit I changed the clock enable to: RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC, ENABLE);
Interestingly, Crypto_DeInit does seem to matter for the F427/HAL implementation.
I tried enabling CRC clock after this call. No joy.
Not sure what the following tells me.
>>** Section &sharp76 'i.Crypto_DeInit' (SHT_PROGBITS) [SHF_ALLOC + SHF_EXECINSTR]
>>Size : 8 bytes (alignment 2) >>Address: 0x00000000>>$t
>>i.Crypto_DeInit >>Crypto_DeInit >>0x00000000: 2101 .! MOVS r1,&sharp1 >>0x00000002: 2040 @ MOVS r0,&sharp0x40 >>0x00000004: f7ffbffe .... B.W RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd2017-03-02 2:50 PM
Is it possible that there is an upstream clock that needs to be set up?
2017-03-02 3:06 PM
It basically show that Crypto_DeInit is only turning on the CRC clock.
I'm not going to spend hours building a test fixture, if you have some test case code post it here, or to me privately. This will be a lot easier than guessing wtf is wrong.
2017-03-02 3:14 PM
>> I'm not going to spend hours building a test fixture.
Oh gosh no, don't do that.
>>if you have some test case code post it here
I think my next steps are to reduce this to something really small to test my assumptions. If I get there I will post my code. It was useful to have someone let me know that basically my assumptions aren't completely in left field. thanks.
I am just moving back to low level embedded after a bunch of years. Your example code has been a big help!