2018-05-24 5:34 AM
hello evry one when i program my stm using keil ,, i want to see where is the adress that my sofware ended at
in the flash memory
just got this
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 4 (build 422)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'ETHERNET-STM32F429ZI'compiling eth.c...linking...Program Size: Code=55696 RO-data=1132 RW-data=664 ZI-data=76736 ''ETHERNET-STM32F429ZI\ETHERNET-STM32F429ZI.axf'' - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:14Load ''ETHERNET-STM32F429ZI\\ETHERNET-STM32F429ZI.axf'' Erase Done.Programming Done.Verify OK.Application running ...Flash Load finished at 15:23:06and i see in blue increasing a browser but very fastly so i cannot get the end adress ??
is there a way to see the end adress ????
2018-05-24 5:54 AM
Linker map ?
Debugger ?
2018-05-24 5:57 AM
.MAP file would be a good start
You could use FROMELF to inspect the .AXF file sections
Keil has some special symbols you can use of the target to print out the ending address in IROM
2018-05-24 7:58 AM
,2018-05-24 8:20 AM
i dont know to use any of them
2018-05-24 8:31 AM
Think of it as a learning opportunity...
2018-05-24 8:46 AM
Mister Clive , i used your old posts :
this instruction
extern uint32_t Load$$LR$$LR_IROM1$$Limit;
printf('Limit %08X\n', (uint32_t)&Load$$LR$$LR_IROM1$$Limit);
i got this Limit 0800E370
this is my end of prgm+data or just prgm ???
2018-05-24 9:52 AM
Should be the entire span (code, constant data, data copied to RAM), you could dump the memory to the console and look, or use the ST-LINK Utilities to see the transition from data to 0xFF data patterns.
2018-08-10 5:50 AM