2020-03-17 10:49 AM
I'm an intern working with STM32L476 MCU. I am new to embedded system coding and was hoping to use a sample code as reference?
is there any library where I can access some sample code?
2020-03-17 10:54 AM
Download and unpack the CubeL4 package
Host of HAL examples, pick a close board
2020-03-17 11:07 AM
i have downloaded and unpacked the CubeL4 software. However, I did not understand how to proceed further...
2020-03-17 11:22 AM
Perhaps your supervisor can indicate the tools you should be utilizing. Most of the project examples build directly with Keil or IAR tool chains.
You can navigate the CubeL4 directories with a File Manager of your choice, and perhaps review in a text editor, or static analysis tools
You could try YouTube for Keil and STM32 related videos.
ST had training videos at one time, not sure where on the site they are, quick Google got this