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RXNE Flag of STM32F302R8 is never SET


Hi, I have a problem where my SPI SR RXNE in STM32F302R8 is never SET, causing my program always halt in while loop, waiting the RXNE status to become SET, when receive data.

how I set the RXNE flag is below:

#define SPI_SR_RXNE 0

#define SPI_RXNE_FLAG   (1 << SPI_SR_RXNE)

Here is my main code:

MAIN CODE: In the main code, I stuck at the SPI_ReceiveData() because after I send my desired data to slave, I received a dummy byte. So, to clear the dummy byte, I need to read the RXNE first. But, my code was stuck at that line which is Read the dummy byte.





//enable SPI peripheral (SPE in SPI Control register 1)


//declare variable untuk command code

uint8_t commandcode = COMMAND_LED_CTRL; //0x50

//define ackbyte

uint8_t ackbyte;

//create array

uint8_t args[2];

//Send data


SPI_ReceiveData(SPI2,&dummy_read,1); MY CODE STUCK RIGHT HERE


//then, lets call SPI_ReceiveData untuk receive data from slave.



THEN, INSIDE SPI_ReceiveData function: When my code execute the SPI_Receive data, it will check the status flag first, if RESET, then it will stuck in the while loop until it SET. As I bold the line below. But, I stuck at here.

void SPI_ReceiveData(SPI_RegDef_t *pSPIx, uint8_t *pRxBuffer, uint32_t Len)


while(Len > 0)


   //1. wait until RXNE is SET

   while(SPI_GetFlagStatus(pSPIx, SPI_RXNE_FLAG) == FLAG_RESET);

   //2. TXE set, check dff or CRCL

   if(pSPIx->CR1 & (1 << SPI_CR1_CRCL))


   //16 bit data frame format

   //1. load the data from Data Register(DR) to Rx Buffer address

   *((uint16_t*)pRxBuffer) = pSPIx->DR ; 

   //2. kene decrease len







   //8 bit data frame format

   //1. Load the data into Data Register(DR)

   *(pRxBuffer) = *((volatile uint8_t *)&pSPIx->DR);

   //2.decrease len


   //3.increment pTxBuffer in order to make it point to next data item





SPI_GetFlagStatus() function: Here is the code that I check the status flag. here I detected my RXNE flag is not SET.

uint8_t SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_RegDef_t *pSPIx, uint32_t FlagName)


if(pSPIx->SR & FlagName)


return FLAG_SET;


return FLAG_RESET;


Anyone could help me in this issue? Im using STM32F302R8 nucleo board


I have managed to SET the FRXTH bit. After the data is sent, the RXNE goes HIGH. But, after it execute next code line which is SPI_receiveData(), It automatically clear the RXNE. Is this means that the hardware clear the RXNE automatically?

If I want the RXNE stays HIGH, I do not understand what do you mean by the "level" in your reply above:

RXNE works as a watermark on the Rx FIFO. When a byte arrives, it is stored to FIFO, and it's "level" increments by 1; when your read out a byte from FIFO, it's "level" decrements by 1.


If FRXTH=1, if "level">=1, RXNE=1; if "level" < 1 (i.e. "level" == 0, FIFO empty), RXNE = 0.


If FRXTH=0, if "level" >=2, RXNE=1; if "level"<2 (i.e. there is zero or one byte in FIFO), RXNE=0.

If you could elaborate more, I am very appreciated.

There is a counter maintaining number of bytes currently in the FIFO. When a byte arrived through UART, it is stored in FIFO and the counter is incremented. When the byte is read from FIFO, counter is decremented.

By "level" I meant value of this counter.