2022-05-05 1:16 AM
I am wondering about the state of mcu configuration options.
In the past we have exclusively used RTE_Device (Framework classic) to configure devices and over the years we have built our own libraries on top of this system.
Although I like the look of stm32cubemx, this has stopped us moving over to using it for now as we have built upon the old system heavily.
I've been assessing some new chips recently though (an STM32H7 and an STM32L4) and notice that neither of these support the RTE_Device configuration method.
Is ST's plan going forward to only offer cubemx configuration? Or is this only the case for specific product lines? I've not been able to find any clarification anywhere on this.
If ST plan to deprecate the RTE_Device method, it would be very good to know!
2022-05-05 2:13 AM
What is RTE_Device?
2022-05-05 2:24 AM
RTE_Device.h, the configuration header you get if you select the classic configuration via uvision pack manager:
2022-05-05 2:45 AM
Well, RTE_device.h is part of CMSIS and can also be installed to be used within CubeMX.
2022-05-05 3:07 AM
Hi Peter,
I'm not quite sure I follow. Are you saying I can get CubeMX to generate the RTE_device.h file?
You can see from the screenshot in my previous message that normally I can select one or the other, whereas if I'm using an STM32H7 chip for instance, I am only presented with the CubeMX option:
I'm not sure who is responsible for the DFP packs though that provide these options. I would have assumed ST, but it looks like ARM is actually doing some of the work, at least in providing RTE_Device...
2022-05-05 3:13 AM
RTE_device.h is not generated by CubeMX, but is part of the CMSIS package of ARM/Keil. However, I have not seen RTE_device.h for STM32, but only for Keil and a Cortex-M derivative from another manufacturer.
2023-07-30 11:03 AM
@Jvan .19, did you figure out any solution or there is really no RTE_Device option for STM32L4 ?
2023-07-30 1:21 PM
Is there a big problem? If some existing code refers to RTE_Device.h and it is missing, roll your own.