2014-04-11 6:27 AM
I wonder how to read all port simultaneously such as GPIOA0 up to GPIOA7
or the equivalent of arduino codes DDRA = B00000000; // sets Arduino Mega Digital pins 22(PORTA0) to 29(PORTA7) as inputs allBus = PINA; //read all PIN bit state #ports #pins2014-04-11 6:32 AM
allbus = GPIOA->IDR; JW2014-04-11 6:36 AM
Thanks I will try the codes right away
2014-04-11 12:30 PM
I think you are confusing pins with ports?
As described, you can read all the pins of a port simultaneously; but you can't read multiple ports simultaneously.2014-04-11 7:27 PM
Yes, you are correct I mean all pins in one port, problem solved.