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Question on Update Firmware on Air/Network/WiFi.

Associate III

Hello Everyone,

 I want to Update Firmware on my device using Network/WiFi.

But I dont Know Where to begane and how to Update. 
Need solution.


Thank You

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

At least, do you know which wi-fi module do you have? Do you download updates from a well known cloud service such as AWS, or something custom?


Hello @Pavel A. 

I am Using Qucectel EC200U Mode for transmeting GPS data to AWS Database server by a 4G natwork & want ot Update Firmware
throw EC200U Mode

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@Kai_Satone The question was, where are your firmware updates: on the same AWS account? Then you already have the software library to work with the Quectel module and AWS (including TLS, certificates...) and the account information, right?

@Pavel A. 

Sorry for misunderstanding on my part.

I mant to say that I want to Update Firmware on MCU STM32F411 using Qucectel EC200U Mode

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Great!  Here you can find help with developing the software for STM32 and the Quectel device: