2024-03-14 1:51 AM
Hello Everyone,
I want to Update Firmware on my device using Network/WiFi.
But I dont Know Where to begane and how to Update.
Need solution.
Thank You
2024-03-14 2:37 AM
At least, do you know which wi-fi module do you have? Do you download updates from a well known cloud service such as AWS, or something custom?
2024-03-14 3:05 AM - edited 2024-03-14 3:06 AM
Hello @Pavel A.
I am Using Qucectel EC200U Mode for transmeting GPS data to AWS Database server by a 4G natwork & want ot Update Firmware
throw EC200U Mode
2024-03-14 3:27 AM - edited 2024-03-14 3:28 AM
@Kai_Satone The question was, where are your firmware updates: on the same AWS account? Then you already have the software library to work with the Quectel module and AWS (including TLS, certificates...) and the account information, right?
2024-03-14 3:45 AM
@Pavel A.
Sorry for misunderstanding on my part.
I mant to say that I want to Update Firmware on MCU STM32F411 using Qucectel EC200U Mode
2024-03-14 5:47 AM
Great! Here you can find help with developing the software for STM32 and the Quectel device: