2022-07-11 7:39 AM
Hello ST Team !
I would like to ask you a technical question about the STM32G474RETx controller, SPI peripheral.
I'm trying to configure 2 MCU's (master & slave) as follow:
- SPI1 in Full-Duplex mode, 16bit data width
- Master SYSCLK: 170MHz, SPI clock: 42.5MHz
- Polarity: High, Phase: 2-Edge
- Software NSS and no CRC
The communication is working, but MISO data is shifted by 1 bit right, my question is there a way to configure this to be able to work with 40-50MHz clock ?
its really important for our development, and in the data sheet it says that SPI clock is up to (Pclk_max / 2), so I think it is possible to get faster clock to work with.
Thanks a lot,